In Memory Of LU ,Jian Guo


訃告 我親愛的父親於加拿大東部時間一月三號下午因細菌感染在醫院加護病房辭世了。享年七十二歲。多年以來,他勇敢對抗身體頑疾。不論是面對腎衰肝衰,還是大腸癌肝癌他都是樂觀堅強生活,從不灰心。他是生命的鬥士,對家庭負責的好爸爸。我衷心感激他給與我的一切,感激他對家庭的付出。他的身體已被惡疾耗盡。現在他已回天家從此以後不再痛苦。他將永遠留在我和家人的心中。爸爸,我們愛你。家庭追悼會於1月21日星期一上午10點至11點在蒙特利爾的Kane Fetterly殯儀館舉行。願他的靈魂安息。
Jian Guo Lu
September 14, 1946 to January 3, 2019
It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of Jian Guo Lu, at the age of 72, after a courageous battle with cancers.
For many years, he had courageously fought multiple illnesses. Whether it was kidney failure, liver cancer, or colon-rectal cancer, he was optimistic and strong, was never frustrated. He was a fighter of life, a good father responsible for the family.He will be sadly missed by his family forever.
A small family memorial service was held on Monday January 21, 2019 from 10am to 11am at Kane Fetterly funeral home in Montreal. May his soul rest in peace.
Thank you for those expressed sympathy. For those who stood by me, helped and supported, we are grateful to have friends and family like you at this difficult time.