Christian Haentzler

A recreational swimmer and a fisherman who also devotes spare time to his French club, Christian Haentzler brings more than 20 years experience—both in Canada and France—to his work at Kane Fetterly. Like many others, he fell into his career by accident.
“My youngest brother shared a passion for old cars with the owner of a local funeral company in France. I had just finished my military service and had one year to work before starting university. The owner hired me and I was immediately captivated by this absolutely unusual job.”Christian brings a sense of adventure to his work. He likes to get in early to face the new challenges each day presents.
“In a city like Montreal, where we have such a diverse population, it is a question of adaptation every time. I’ve tried other jobs, but I always came back to this particular field. I love that it gives me this opportunity to really help people who need my expertise and my skills.”