Martin Gamache

A husband, father of twin boys, travel-buff and an avid amateur arachnologist (spider lover), Martin Gamache brings expertise and a true love of his job to his work at Kane & Fetterly.
But when a friend suggested he enter the field more than a decade ago, he wasn’t so sure it was for him.
“My answer to him was a swift ‘Are you nuts?’ Nevertheless, this suggestion changed my life forever as the seed was planted.”Since he began his work, there has been no doubt that it was the right choice.
“After 10 years in the profession, I cannot picture me in any other field of work and I am forever grateful to that crazy friend.”Martin embraces the unpredictable nature of his job and loves the knowledge that he is making a difference in people’s lives.
“Since I can’t stand routine, the funeral service is perfect for me. Even when you think your day is planned, the schedule can be turned around in five minutes. I realize I am one of those fortunate people who goes to work with a smile in the morning. And at the end of the day, I still have that smile as I know I got the chance to help and make a difference for a grieving family.”